Mar 31, 2017

Rainy Days of Spring

The past few months have slowly been transitioning from Winter to Spring. It has been such a slow process that I can't believe that its finally getting warm! 

Due to the rainy days that are now taking the place of the snow, there have not been too many outside activities going on. So it has been mostly stayng dry indoors with a cup of tea and a good book. 

Here are some random pictures from over the past few weeks. 

Water makes me happy :) 
The much used pool table.
 Nights hanging out with the roomie. 
Just because she's so stinkin' cute! 

When the little sis plays around with the camera. 
 Playing the guitar while staying dry.
Photo shoot with the Bro and his girl, by the water.
Sunsets by the ocean <3

~ Julia