Jan 28, 2016

Days Fly By

It's been a whole year since I have posted on here. Wow! 

Life has moved on, as always. It seems that as much as sometimes I would like to have time stand still, I don't ever seem to get my wish in that area. However, as time moves, things change, and so do the seasons. The experiences that come and go will always be a part of my life. 

My lack of posting here has been due to two reasons.

1. I think I may just be the worst blogger there is.

 or 2. (and this is the one that I'm choosing to plead guilty to) That there has been a major lack of a working computer in my life, for WAY too many months.

Not to mention that I have been working two jobs this past year, and that keeps me super busy.
Anyways, let's skip the excuses. Not too much has changed in the past year. I do seem to have finally settled down from all my traveling that I've done the past three years, except for an occasional visit out of state to visit friends and family.

Here are some pictures to help catch you up on the year 2015!

Days enjoying my favorite people and the beautiful summer weather. 
Playing games of Risk
The little ladies... 
not quite sure what there doing here. 
Enjoying my cozy apartment.
Christmas party at my place! 
My beautiful niece and buddy <3   
As I always say.., I will try to post more! 

~ Julia