Feb 18, 2016


Just at that moment when you think Spring may actually be here, what happens? It snows yet again :( Not to mention it dropping to -25 over the weekend. Needless to say it's been FREEZING here! I am however trying to except the fact (though this is hard for me) that we are *only* in February, and still may get some snow and cold before Spring is really truly here.

There is good news though.  I got a new camera on Friday! I was sooooooo excited that I ran around taking pictures of anything I could. So here are some pictures from the weekend -with my new camera!

Yes, my mother has an indoor greenhouse.

Mine hasn't quite gotten that big yet.
This little lady gets lots of lovin' when the auntie's and Uncle Kenneth are over!

Love this beautiful girl. 
This beautiful young lady turned 10, this past weekend... 

In case you didn't believe me about the snow and cold. 

Messing around with the new camera. 

The newest addition to my apartment: Lou the fish.



  1. Playing around with a new camera too. I have yet to find the function so I don't have blurry pictures when one of the kids move. I don't like having the manual online ( Canon). I shold print it all out. Spring is coming. I am in Northern Canada and saw a Robin, the trees are tapped and sap beginning, but winter storms just keep coming. -27c this weekend. Ugh! Nice fish.

  2. Always enjoy reading about your days.
    Blessings to you!!
